In this article we will install Maven, will create dependency and run a simple Selenium test case using TestNG.
- Click here to download Maven jar files from Apache official website.
2.Unzip the downloaded file and place it in separate folder.
3.Folder Structure
4. Set Environment variable & path variable.
5.Check Maven version using cmd:- mvn -v
6. Now lets create a simple project in eclipse as shown below:
7. Project will be created with folder structure as shown below:
8. Replace Pom.xml content with below provided details:
<project xmlns=”″ xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:schemaLocation=””>
<!– Adding Selenium dependency –>
9. Create a simple Selenium test case to open a link in firefox:
Sample code:
10. Use mvn clean command to clear all the previous setting.
11. Use mvn install command to install missing files as shown in below screenshot:
12. Use mvn test command to run the test cases created under maven project: